Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday January 21, 2013

     Today was only the second time that the Presidential Inauguration was held on Martin Luther King Day. The first was on Monday January 20, 1997 when Bill Clinton began his second term. The next time will be on Monday January 20, 2025.
      Memorizing information largely consists of making connections. You make a connection with two facts and link them together. For example, I have been memorizing facts about the presidents for years now. The more I know the easier it is to make connections. For example, when I was learning about their wedding dates I made a connection that the two most corpulent presidents were married in the same month, which was June 1886. On Wednesday June 2, 1886 President Cleveland married Frances Folsom in the Blue Room. It was the only time a president was married in the White House, although many president's offspring were married there. Two and a half weeks later, on Saturday June 19, 1886 future president William Howard Taft married Helen Herron. You can see how I picked two categories and did a mental cross reference. Heavy set presidents and June 1886 weddings. We will have more on the subject of mental cross referencing in future blogs.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sunday January 20, 2013

The blogs of the next two days will be a special inauguration issue.

January 20 events;

Wednesday January 20, 1937 - This was the first time that the Presidential Inauguration was held on January 20. Previously it had been held on March 4. It was Franklin D. Roosevelt's second inauguration of four.

Thursday January 20, 1949 - The first inauguration that was televised. It was Harry Truman's inauguration to his full term. He had become president on April 12, 1945 when Roosevelt died in office.

Tuesday January 20, 1953 - Eisenhower replaced Truman. There is a tradition where the outgoing president has breakfast with the incoming president. However, at this inauguration Eisenhower refused to get out of the car as he was angry with Truman for firing Douglas MacArthur in the Korean War two year previous.

Friday January 20, 1961 - Kennedy was sworn in with almost a foot of snow on the ground that had fallen overnight.

Thursday January 20, 1977 - Jimmy Carter repeated a Jeffersonian tradition of walking to his inauguration to prove he was one of the people. One of the floats in the parade was a giant peanut as he had been a peanut farmer.

Tuesday January 20, 1981 - As Reagan replaced Carter the hostages were on the verge of being released. Carter had been awake for more than 50 hours working on the release. Reagan's inauguration was in 55 degree weather. The festivities were so extravagant that Johnny Carson commented "This is the first administration with a premiere".

Monday January 20, 1997 - Clinton's second inauguration was the first to be broadcast on the Internet. It was also the first inauguration on Martin Luther King Day. Tomorrow's will be the second Martin Luther King Day Inauguration as today is Sunday so it will be held tomorrow.

Tomorrow there will be more inauguration trivia.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


     Today is supposedly good for harmony, tying the knot, numerology, and many things. This morning I was reviewing in my head what some of the other triple repeat number dates were like. When the alarm rang this morning they were playing the 1974 hit "Nothing From Nothing" by Billy Preston. He died on the dreaded 6/6/6 day six and a half years ago. It was a Tuesday. Monday 1/1/1 was the coldest new years day in many years. However, people at the shore still went in for "First Dip" in Ocean City New Jersey. I have a friend whose daughter Sarah was born on Saturday 2/2/2. On 4/4/4 the Philadelphia Phillies beat the Boston Red Sox in an exhibition game in their new Citizens Band Park. Saturday 7/7/7 was another day that was good for marriage. The casinos had some extra players on this "Lucky Day". Friday 8/8/8 was the opening of the Beijing Olympics. Wednesday 9/9/9 produced an earthquake in Japan. Let's see what 12/12/12/ brings.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

December 10 events

Tuesday December 10, 1963 -Six year old Donny Osmond appeared on The Andy Williams Show.

Thursday December 10, 1987 - Nightline is seen in the USSR for the first time.

Saturday December 10,1988 - Massive earthquake in Armenia kills over 100,000 people.

     In addition to writing books an memory and healing, I write humorous essays. Some of the titles include "Why I have Never Been to a Self Improvement Seminar", "Back to Jail Night" and "Teachable Moments With My Grandson" Eventually, I am going to publish them in a collection. I am currently writing one about dumb things people have done over the past 40 years.  You may have heard on the news on Friday December 7 that a man called the police on a prostitute because she short changed him ten minutes. Then there was the 1972 Olympics in Munich where two American runners missed there event because their coach did not get the correct time. I have collected a few other news memories over the years. However, I need your help. If you remember any other events where someone did something really dumb I would like to hear from you. Anything that can be verified by a news story in the past 40 years counts. If your contribution is selected, you will be listed as a contributor when the book is published. There will be an additional prise too!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Events of November 4 -

Tuesday November 4, 1879 - Will Rodgers born.

Monday November 4, 1918 - Actor Art Carney born.

Saturday November 4, 1922 - Howard Carter's archaeological team uncovered the entrance to King Tut's tomb.

Sunday November 4, 1956 -Soviet tanks invaded Budapest Hungary which put a brutal end to the Hungarian Revolution. Citizens tried to fight the soldiers with their own guns but to no avail.

Sunday November 4, 1979 - Iranian students stormed the American Embassy and took more than 60 hostages. A week later President Carter declared an oil embargo on Iran. The hostages were held until Tuesday January 20, 1981 when Ronald Reagan took office.

Tuesday November 4, 1980 - Ronald Reagan beats Jimmy Carter in a landslide election.

Tuesday November 4, 2008 - Barrack Obama is elected America's President over John McCain.

     Which do you think is the truth. beliefs are formed through your memories or do beliefs determine memories? Think about it. If you have memories of being a good student but you remember being the last one picked for teams in gym class, you probably formed the belief that you are smart but not athletic. If you have beliefs that you are a handy person than you probably do not balk when you are asked to put up a ceiling fan.So  your memories determine your beliefs.
     However, your beliefs can determine which memories you are able to recall. If you do believe that you are not athletic you may not remember the time that you made two game saving catches in Little League, but you do remember striking out to end your teams season.
     Sometimes you are forced to re think your beliefs when you have evidence to the contrary staring you in the face. Suppose you believe that all cyclists are drug addicted street gang members. One night you are at a party and you see someone arrive on their cycle, They come in and start talking about their doctoral program that they are in and how their gang of weekend warriors raised $10,000 for their churches mission to Haiti. You would have to revise that belief.
     Being open minded can help you retrieve more memories that you may have suppressed. It can be fun and rewarding to recall good memories. I am not advocating that anyone should lose focus on the present and be "stuck" in the past, but it can be fun to retrieve old good memories. Considering how many people have reconnected with old schoolmates on facebook, it is fun to re live the good parts of the past.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Saturday October 27, 2012


Wednesday October 27, 1858 - Theodore Roosevelt born

There were several interesting World Series games played on October 27

Sunday October 27,1985 - The Kansas City Royals gave the St. Louis Cardinals a drubbing to take game 7 and win the series. 11-0. Cardinal pitcher Joaquin Andujar was ejected after running towards the umpire Don Dekinger in rage over a perceived missed call.. He was suspended for five games of the 1986 season and traded to the Oakland A's in the off season.

Sunday October 27, 1991 - The last game of the worst to first series between the Minnesota Twins and the Atlanta Braves. Both teams had finished last in 1990. Game seven was scoreless after nine innings. In the tenth Dan Gladden of the Twins was driven in by Gene Larkin to score the only run and win the game and the series.

Wednesday October 27, 2004 - Under a full moon and a lunar eclipse the Boston Red Sox defeated the St. Louis Cardinals 3-0 to sweep the series and win their first World Series since 1918. After the 1918 season they traded Babe Ruth to the Yankees and it was a legend that this caused the Curse of the Bambino. The curse was ended that night and Red Sox fans ran rampant to graveyards putting messages on the grave of their deceased relatives who had been fans.

     Most people have an easy time remembering things that they are interested in. Many baseball fans probably remember these games even if they do not remember the dates. One of the easiest and most effective ways to remember new information is to connect it in some way to old information. that you already know and are interested in. My book Memory Quiz, What Type of Learner Are You? shows you how to take facts about something you already know about and make them pegs for remembering new information.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

October 14 history

Tuesday October 14, 1947 -Chuck Yeager breaks the should barrier in "Glamorous Glynnis" it was the first supersonic flight.

Monday October 14, 1968 - Apollo 7 had the first television broadcast from space. It showed Colonels Wally Schirra, Don Eisle, and Walt Cunningham in the Command Module.

Friday October 14, 1977 - Entertainer Bing Crosby dies on a golf course in Seville Spain. He was 73.

Tuesday October 14, 1986 - The International Olympic Committee votes to stagger the Winter and Summer Olympics beginning in 1994. The first staggered new were the Lillehammer games in 1994 followed by the Atlanta summer games in 1996.

Wednesday October 14, 1987 - Eighteen month old Jessica McClure "Baby Jessica" falls down a well shaft in Midland Texas while out playing. She was rescued on Friday October 16.

Sunday October 14, 1990 - Composer Leonard Bernstein dies in New York at age 72.

Memory tip -

     Memories and beliefs have a strong interplay. Most of the beliefs that you have  were formed by past memories. For example, if you always fared well in school you developed the belief that you are smart. Conversely if you always tripped over the ball or struck out when you were playing ball you developed the belief that you were not athletic. You not only developed beliefs about yourself but about your world, people, god etc.
      Ironically, the beliefs you develop influence which events in your life you remember. If you are a white collar worker who remembers trying to use a hammer and nail and always hit your finger instead, you probably will balk when your wife asks you to put up a ceiling fan. The trick would be to ask yourself f you have ever been successful with assembling things. When you do that you may suddenly recall a time you made a bird house or put a swing up. Then you can feel confident to put up the ceiling fan.
      The moral of the story is that everyone can use their memories and beliefs together to accomplish more than they think. Look for more on this subject on the next few blogs.