Wednesday, December 12, 2012


     Today is supposedly good for harmony, tying the knot, numerology, and many things. This morning I was reviewing in my head what some of the other triple repeat number dates were like. When the alarm rang this morning they were playing the 1974 hit "Nothing From Nothing" by Billy Preston. He died on the dreaded 6/6/6 day six and a half years ago. It was a Tuesday. Monday 1/1/1 was the coldest new years day in many years. However, people at the shore still went in for "First Dip" in Ocean City New Jersey. I have a friend whose daughter Sarah was born on Saturday 2/2/2. On 4/4/4 the Philadelphia Phillies beat the Boston Red Sox in an exhibition game in their new Citizens Band Park. Saturday 7/7/7 was another day that was good for marriage. The casinos had some extra players on this "Lucky Day". Friday 8/8/8 was the opening of the Beijing Olympics. Wednesday 9/9/9 produced an earthquake in Japan. Let's see what 12/12/12/ brings.

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