Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to change your negative beliefs about your memory.

Events of July 13 -

1977 Wednesday - NYC blackout that lasted 25 hours.
1978 Thursday - Lee Iaccoca fired from Ford Motor Co. He later takes over Chrysler Corp.
1985 Saturday - Live Aid Concerts held in London, Philadelphia, Moscow, and Sydney.

     In yesterdays blog you learned what negative beliefs you have about memory. A list was created and you were encouraged to think of your own self limiting beliefs.
     In my counseling practice, I often teach clients to re-frame their beliefs about themselves which could be causing them depression or anxiety. When someone has enough beliefs that life is bad and unsatisfying they become depressed. Similarly enough beliefs about life being overwhelming will produce anxiety , and beliefs about their life being unfair will produce anger. When I get them to re-frame their beliefs they often are relieved of their anxiety, depression, and anger.
     What does re-frame mean? If you took the brown frame on a picture and the silver frame on another picture and switched them, the pictures would not look the same. This holds true for beliefs that you have about yourself. If you change the belief, you change the way you feel about yourself. Let's use as an example some of the beliefs from yesterday about your ability to memorize.

I have a poor memory - I can develop my memory and improve it with practice.

My memory is not as good as it used to be when I was younger - I have more that I have to remember now, and I can learn anything with practice.

I was not born with a good memory, it runs in the family - Nurture can trump nature, I can develop a good memory.

I am under a lot of stress, and I can't remember anything any more - When I am no longer under this stress my abilities will return.

I am depressed and I can't remember anything anymore - I can develop a better outlook and a better memory.

I have had too much alcohol and drugs in my life, my brain is fried - Even an out of shape person can exercise and rebuild their body, I can re build my brain.

I am good at music, art or ________ but not memorizing - I have some talents , and I can develop others.

I am a week away from Alzheimer's - I am a week away from a better memory with practice.

     Changing your beliefs can make a big difference in what you can achieve. However, I am not saying that if someone is depressed or anxious that they should not take medication. Or if someone has ADHD that they should not take medication for it.. However, changing your beliefs can help the medicine work.
      Tomorrow we will learn specific techniques to change your beliefs.

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