Monday, July 4, 2011

Memorizing the calendar for this year - Step 4

Events on July 4 -

1966 Monday - LBJ signs Freedom of Information Act.
1967 Tuesday - Freedom of Information Act goes into effect.
1982 Sunday - The Space Shuttle Columbia on it's fourth and final test run lands at Edwards Air Force
                        with astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield. President and Nancy Reagan greet
1986 Friday - Statue of Liberty reopens to the public. The Reagan's preside over the ceremony the night
1997 Friday - First Photos of Mars online from the arm of the Pathfinder.
2007 Wednesday - Sochi Russia selected by the IOC as the site of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
2007 Wednesday - The 50 star flag becomes the longest flying American Flag. The previous record was the
                               48 star flag from 1912 - 1959.

     Today we are actually going to begin using the symbols of the months and the days of the week to start memorizing the calendar for this year. We will begin by combining the symbols for the months with the days of the week to learn which day of the week the first day of each month is. Then tomorrow we will apply the chant to quickly calculate the date that every other date is in each month.
     We will take the symbols for the months and combine them with the symbol for the day of the week that the first day of the month is.  Following are the combinations:

January - Snow - Saturday - Saturn. Imagine Saturn's rings turn into snow and fall into the planet.

February - Heart - Tuesday - number two - Imagine a heart multiplying by two.

March - Shamrock - Tuesday - number two - A shamrock multiplying into two.

April - Rain - Friday - frying pan - rain coming out of a frying pan.

May - Flower - Sunday - The sun - A flower turning into the sun.

June - Flag - Wednesday - Hump of a camel - A camel's hump decorated with the red, white, and blue.

July - Fireworks - Friday - Frying pan - Fireworks that look like a frying pan in the sky.

August - Beach - Monday - Moon - Imagine people on the beach in spacesuits like the lunar explorers.

September - Schoolbook - Thursday - Number 3 - Imagine s student carrying a large number 3 as if
                    it were a schoolbook.

October - Pumpkin - Saturday - Saturn - A pumpkin with rings around it.

November - Turkey - Tuesday - Number 2 - A turkey multiplying to two.

December  - Santa - Thursday - Number 3 - Santa saying ho ho ho and a new Santa each time he says it.

    Study this for about 15 minutes to a half hour, or until you can instantly name the day of the week that each month begins. In tomorrow's blog we will put it all together and you will have all the tools to quickly know the day of the week any date in this year is or will be.

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